Lanoix’s Bees
Business Name
Contact Name:
Short Business Description
Lanoix’s Bees Since 2009
Long Business Description

Lanoix’s bees sells bees, queens, beekeeper hives and supplies, Hive inspection and IPM, and offers classes from beginning to master level.

Business Website Address
Business Phone Number
Bee Squared Apiaries
Business Name
Contact Name:
Beth Conrey
Long Business Description

Bee Squared manages 150 colonies along the Front Range and produces award-winning varietal and infused honeys. We also make stunning beeswax candles and luscious soaps. We sell bulk and blocked beeswax. We also sell honey comb and pollen.

Business Website Address
Business Phone Number
Copoco’s Honey
Business Name
Contact Name:
Jack Gilmore
Short Business Description
Retail store with all things bee related.
Long Business Description

We will buy your excess honey in bulk, honeycomb, beeswax, propolys, etc. We supply everything you need to keep bees from sugar syrup, pollen patties to woodware. Telephone help is available too.

Business Website Address
Business Phone Number
970 493 2923
Business Phone Number
970 493 2923
Fort Collins