Goals: Provide financial support to any NCBA members who have undergone undue hardship and significant impact on their beekeeping practices due to fire, flood, destruction, and vandalism.

 Committee Members: President with Executive Board

 Fund Budget: $1 of each member’s dues goes towards this fund. The fund is calculated every year at budget approval time based on the number of members in the club at the time of budget approval.

 Maximum Award Amount:  Not specified. Dependent on the individual situation.

 Application Process:

Benevolent funds are only available to NCBA members.

Applications may be submitted by anyone in the NCBA, including the possible recipient of the award.

Awardees are required to “volunteer back” to the club, either through committee work, an article for the newsletter, or a presentation at a general club meeting.

 Applications do not guarantee approval or financial support.

 Awarding Process:

Anyone may contact the President to begin the application and awarding process. Email the President at ncbapres @nocobees.org or complete the attached form:

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