The Northern Colorado Beekeepers Association (NCBA) is an organization of both hobbyists and commercial beekeepers and is affiliated with the Colorado State Beekeepers Association. Our mission is to encourage better beekeeping methods among our members, encourage an interest in beekeeping among our youth and provide education to the general public about beekeeping and the contribution of honeybees to the welfare of our communities in Northern Colorado.
Benefits of Membership
- 10 monthly educational meetings
- Access to the website listserv for buying, selling, mentoring, Q/A, etc.
- Access to the annual Bee Package orders
- Participation in the Swarm Hotline to be called for collecting swarms in your area
- Discounted American Bee Journal subscriptions
- Use of one of the Association’s several honey extractors
- Use of one of the Association’s OA application systems
- Opportunity to submit for a member-only scholarship for non-NCBA events
- Mentoring / Bee Buddy program
- Communication and networking with beekeepers in your area
- Access to apply to the club benevolence/Hardship program fund
- $7 to CSBA membership with access to their newsletters and two annual events
- Member-only access to a robust website
We meet once a month with the above objectives in mind. Each general membership meeting is on the third Thursday of every month and strives to discuss one or two subjects of interest in beekeeping. Whenever possible we will discuss beekeeping and hive maintenance activities appropriate for the next month. We also like to provide time for members to discuss beekeeping among themselves.
Once a year, usually around January, we conduct a multi-session beginning beekeeping class. On starting the class, you become a member of the association and have the opportunity to order bees through NCBA, We also offer you opportunities for a bee buddy and/or mentor to help you get off to a good start.
Volunteer Opportunities
Every year, we participate in several community programs related to honeybee and pollinator programs. Our members attend booths and share basic honeybee knowledge with attendees of all ages in the Northern Colorado area. These events include Earth Day, Expedition Colorado at CSU, and the annual Larimer County Fair, among others.
If you have any interest in keeping bees, we encourage you to join us. We believe joining a beekeeping association such as ours is one of the easiest and most enjoyable ways to start beekeeping. By joining now, you will receive our newsletter as well as notification of upcoming classes and meetings. Dues are modest and membership includes an affiliate membership with the Colorado State Beekeepers Association. See the pages about future and past meetings for examples of meeting content.
The NCBA is a tax-exempt (501c3) charitable organization governed by a written constitution and bylaws that define a governing body – the Executive Board – consisting of Officers and Board Members at Large. Elections are held in October of each year. Click here to view the Constitution, Bylaws or the IRS letter determining our tax exempt status.
NCBA exists only because of the efforts of its member volunteers. Key among these volunteers are our Officers and Board Members at Large– NCBA’s primary leaders. You don’t have to be a beekeeping expert to be an effective officer. You don’t even have to be someone who considers themselves to be a leader. Each of the officer roles is functional, taking care of an aspect of the business of the NCBA. You don’t have to be perfect – you just need to be able to fulfill the basic duties of the position in a timely manner most of the time. Remember, you aren’t alone. The other Officer and At-Large members of the NCBA’s Leadership Body, the Executive Board, are there to help – along with other member volunteers. The Executive Board is designed to encourage a variety of perspectives that board members can use in reaching a decision. Please consider putting your name forward for one of these positions. Email the Executive Board at ncbapres
President and Vice President – These are NCBA’s primary leaders, the buck-stops-here people responsible for meetings and for making sure that the business of the NCBA is handled. These two positions are designed to work together, both to share the work and to acquaint the Vice President with the role of President. The Vice President serves as a back-up in the absence of the President.
Secretary – The primary duties of the Secretary are to create minutes and attendance records for monthly and Executive Board meetings, documenting at a high level the activities of the organization as well as the detailed results of formal votes taken by membership and the Executive Board. The Secretary may be asked to help with the marketing of association functions.
Treasurer – The Treasurer handles the NCBA’s funds, making deposits, writing checks, and maintaining detailed financial records to document the source of receipts and the reason for disbursements. The Treasurer also reconciles accounts, creates financial reports, and helps to maintain membership records reflecting dues payments.
Program Director – This is an event-focused position, responsible for evaluating public events and requests as potential outreach activities, making recommendations to the Executive Board for participation, coordinating and promoting volunteer opportunities within the Association, and maintaining records of volunteer activities. This position is appointed by and serves at the pleasure of the Executive Board.
Board Members at Large – In addition to Officers, the Executive Board has four At-Large positions. Some of these positions are filled by people who were Officers in the previous year, with the balance elected. The primary role of at At-Large position is to chair a committee, learn the organization, share their perspectives on the Executive Board and vote on issues.
Guide to the Records of the Northern Colorado Beekeepers Association