
NCBA membership (25.00 per year) has many regular benefits, including participation in the annual Bee Package orders; membership in the Colorado State Beekeepers Association; participation in the Swarm Hotline to be called for collecting swarms in your area, discounted American Bee Journal subscriptions, and use of one of the Associations several honey extractors and oxalic acid vaporizers.  Membership cost is paid in full for any part of the membership year.  Membership application.

Monthly Meeting

We meet once a month on the third Thursday of each month. excluding November and December.   We currently meet at The Ranch – Larimer County Fairgrounds in the McKee building.  Meetings begin at 6:30 pm and often run until about 8:30 p.m.   Date, Time, and Location can change, be sure to check the NCBA calendar for changes.

Monthly Newsletter

The NCBA sends out a monthly newsletter to everyone on our email list. It keeps everyone up to date on about the organization’s activities and events – scheduled guest speakers, volunteer events, volunteer recognition, upcoming events, classes, and anything else we might find important to share. 

Beekeeping Classes

Every year, we conduct are beginning beekeeper class in January-February. This is a great opportunity to discover if you want to become a beekeeper. Those who enroll in the class become a member for 1 year included in their fee.   We also will do ‘hands-on’ training classes throughout the year.   

Package Bee Order

We are offering three-pound packages of bees with a queen in Hygienic Italian, and Hygienic Carniolan, as well as Carniolan queens.  NCBA / CSBA members receive order preference.  If available, we will offer nucs as well. The balance of our allotment will go to orders, first come – first served.  Bee Package order information page.

Swarm Hotline

For many years, the NCBA has sponsored a Swarm Hotline, coordinated by current CSBA president and past NCBA president Beth Conrey.  It is offered as a public service, allowing swarms to be collected before they become a nuisance by taking up residence in a structure.  NCBA Members who meet the training and liability requirements can be called to collect swarms reported to the hotline.   for more information.

Use of Honey Extractors

The NCBA has several honey extractors available for use up to three days at a time on a first-come, first-served basis.  To be in contact and make your reservation for use of an extractor please visit our extractor loan page. The success of this program relies upon volunteers who coordinate the loan of the extractors from their home, and perform seasonal repairs and updates to the equipment.

Use of Oxalic Acid Vaporizers

The NCBA has several oxalic acid vaporizers for members to use.  We highly recommend treating your hives for mites.  If you haven’t attended one of our discussions on mites and how to treat for them. please check out the calendar for the next discussion and demonstration.  We have three units for club members to use.   They are great for those who want to try them before they buy your own.  Please our equipment loan page 


We offer scholarships to our members to attend our beginner beekeeping class and support continuous learning for our members for non-NCBA events.  (awards are limited – see Scholarship page)


Our Mentoring and Bee Buddies programs are available. Bee Buddies pair with our Beginner Beekeeping Class Graduates to help them during the first year of beekeeping. Mentoring is available to all levels of beekeeping proficiency. These programs are updated annually and announced through the monthly newsletter.

Access to apply to the club benevolence/Hardship program fund. Beekeepers care for other beekeepers and we realize hardships come in various forms – from natural disasters to vandalism. We are here to help.