DISCLAIMER: this directory is made available to you by the NCBA. By using this directory, you take on the personal risk and liability of conducting business with the owner of the listing and do not hold NCBA liable to any fault that may occur with the business you have chosen. Listings that are advertising to do ‘structural hive removal’ should be insured and licensed to do the work. It is your responsibility to make sure their licensing and insurance is valid and current.
Bee Rescue specializes in advanced structural bee removals and extractions in buildings and trees. Our team has combined experience of 7 yrs bee keeping experience and 25 yrs construction experience. The bees we rescue are reintroduced with local bee keepers.
We will buy your excess honey in bulk, honeycomb, beeswax, propolys, etc. We supply everything you need to keep bees from sugar syrup, pollen patties to woodware. Telephone help is available too.